Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Dopadon®blocks the receptor binding activity of Dopamine. Though all of the Dopaminergic receptors (D1, D2, D3, D4& D5) are present in the brain but Dopadon®blocks only the chemoreceptor trigger zone and stomach. Dopadon®has an action to the gastrointestinal motility. Dopadon®does not readily enters the brain that’s the reason Dopadon®has insignificant effects (psychotropic and neurologic) on the dopaminergic receptors of Brain. Dopadon®accelerates transit through the small intestine, facilitates gastric emptying, enhances antral and duodenal peristalsis and regulates contraction of the pylorus. Dopadon®increases lower esophageal spinchter pressure and esophageal peristalsis and prevents the regurgitation of gastric content, thus prevents the rumination.

Dopadon®Tablet : Each Tablet contains Domperidone BP (as Domperidone Maleate BP) 10 mg.
Dopadon®Suspension : Each 5 ml suspension contains Domperidone BP 5 mg.

1) Stimulation of Gastrointestinal mobility
a Esophageal reflux, Reflux esophagitis and gastritis
b. Diabetic gastroparesis.
c. Heartburn with or without regurgitations of gastric contents in the mouth.
d. Non-ulcer dyspepsia
e. Functional dyspepsia
f. Speeding barium transit in “follow-through” radiological studies.
g. Acute nausea and vomiting.

2) Prevention and Symptomatic relief of acute nausea and vomiting in adults from any cause but specifically:
a. Cytotoxic therapy
b. Nausea and Vomiting associated with L-dopa and bromocriptine treatment for parkinsonian patients.
c. Radiological therapy.
3) In treatment of migraine with paracetamol

Dosage and administration:
Adults : 1-2 Dopadon®Tablet (10 to 20 mg) or 10-20 ml Dopadon®Suspension every 4-8 hours daily.
Children : 0.2 - 0.4 ml Dopadon®Suspension/10 kg or 0.2 - 0.4 ml/Dopadon® Suspension per kg body weight every 4 - 8 hours daily.
Dopadon®Should be taken 15-30 minutes before meals.

Side effect:
Hyperprolactinemia may produce during the treatment with domperidone, which may result in galactorrhea, breast enlargement, soreness and reduced libido. Dry mouth, thirst, headache, nervousness, drowsiness, diarrhoea, skin rash and itching may occur. Extrapyramidal reactions are seen in patients in clinical studies.

Domperidone is highly metabolized in liver, it should be used with caution in patient with hepatic impairement. There may be increased risk of extrapyramidal reactions in young children because of incompletely developed blood brain barrier.

Domperidone is contraindicated to patients having known hypersensitivity to this drug and in case of neonates. Domperidone should not be used whenever gastro-intestinal stimulation might be dangerous i.e; gastrointestinal hemorrhage, mechanical obstruction or perforation. Also contraindicated in patients with prolactin releasing pituitary tumor (prolactinoma).

Use in pregnancy and lactation:
Pregnant Woman : Domperidone is not recomended in pregnancy. Lactating mother : Domperidone may precipitate galactorrhea and improve post-natal lactation. It is secreted in breast milk but in very small quantitiesinsufficient to be considered harmful.
Drug interaction:
Domperidone may reduce the hypoprolactinemic effect of bromocriptine. The action of domperidone on GI function may be antagonized by anti-muscarinics and opoid analgesics. Domperidone and MAO (monoamine oxidase) inhibitors combination treatment should be taken carefully.

How supplied:
Dopadon®Tablet : 10 x 10’s tablets in blister pack in a printed carton. 
Dopadon®Suspension : Each bottle contains 60 ml suspension.

Manufacturer’s Source: IBN SINA


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